Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Introduction to The Hard Run: Painful Lessons from a Running Granny

The view from Will's Hill
Introduction to The Hard Run ...

I have lived long enough and experienced life sufficient to say that I have gained an understanding of pain.  Some of it has been self- inflicted either purposely or as a result of judgment errors, while some was received very innocently.  Whatever the case, I have discovered that pain is not the crisis.  The failure to learn is the crisis.
I am a runner. This is a relatively new definition of me. I began running when I was middle aged. You can call me Running Granny Green.  I don’t especially love running. Running loves me.

Why I run …
Running is an affordable form of exercise. The only equipment needed is a good pair of shoes. No membership fees, no fuel expenses, nor any special gear is required. A few cute running shirts and pants are fun, but they are not critical to participation. Running is convenient. I simply step out the front door and I am on my way to better physical and mental health.

Running improves other parts of my life. I have greater endurance during activities such as waterskiing and snow skiing. These activities are important to me because they allow me to spend active quality time with my husband, children, and grandchildren.

Running makes me sweat and that has to be good. My son said this about stinky sweat, “That has to be good for you – getting all that stinky stuff out of your body!” I have a great blood pressure reading which is very important to me because there is a history of heart disease and stroke in my family. I am running away from age onset diabetes which also runs in my family.

What I have learned through running …
You'll have to wait for the book to read the rest of this Introduction!  Find it HERE.
Happy Running!

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