Thursday, January 8, 2015

It's about time to de-junk

I have previously shared my compulsive behavior.  It's not a secret. I am a hoarder! I wouldn't say I have a problem that is particularly unhealthy (what hoarder would?) I just need to find a better way to tackle all the stuff that finds it's way into my home. This is what I am doing ...

Did I mention I get sidetracked easily?  Or that I have trouble staying on task when the task is boring?  Well, it's true!  So ... I am setting myself a de-junking timer every day to allow 15 minutes of devoted attention to de-junking.  It's working!  My desk hasn't been this clean in years and I am moving into other areas of the house. 
It's only one little change, but it's working for me!  Here's proof!

What tricks do you have to help you stay organized throughout the year?  I would love to hear about them!
Happy Running!


  1. I like this tip! I can get behind 15 minutes! I have the same problem with distraction if I don't really want to do the deed. I am just trying to be more on purpose with my cleaning this year. Getting things done at the time and not leaving it for later, cuz later I'm tired and don't want to do it! :)

    1. I am with you, especially on the "don't really want to do the deed" part.

  2. Carol,
    I know EXACTLY what you mean!! I get distracted with cleaning so quickly! I am also a hoarder! I have started a whole year 1 room at a time per month house organization project! Visit at:

    Thanks for linking up to Oh My Heartsie Girl WW linky & good luck!

    1. Jenny,

      Thanks for dropping by my blog! I will check out your organization challenge, too.

      Loving Oh My Heartsie Girl WW linky!
