Thursday, December 18, 2014

Guest Blogger: Carlos writes about overcoming weakness

Meet Carlos, an educator, photographer, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is also a husband, and a father. He and his wife, Bridgette, have one daughter. (Well, she is expected any day now!) Carlos is a Spanish high school teacher, and loves to photograph, spend time with his beautiful family, and be active in his church. You can visit Carlos’ photography website and personal blog at 

Overcoming Our Weaknesses  
What are your weaknesses? What are your strengths? What are some things thatused to be your weakness but are now strengths? How did you change? Who have you become?   Who helped you? 
Jesus Christ taught: “If [you] humble [yourself] before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto [you] (Ether 12:27, The Book of Mormon: another testament of Jesus Christ). 
I have found tremendous strength and comfort in knowing that if I place my faith in Jesus Christ I can do the impossible. And so can you.  
What are you willing todotobewho you want to be? 
Our whole existence in this life is to be happy! Yes! Happiness! So how do you do it?  
There’s a small phrase that I have told many people and I believe it to be true:  
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight 
To be happy you must work for it. Put your body into motion and that emotion will come. 
Be kind to the fellow that everyone hates 
Lift someone up 
Serve, serve and serve. 
A dear friend of mine taught me this powerful lesson:  
You love those whom you serve and you serve those whom you love.   
 True Love is true happiness. And serving everyone will give you that love, which love transforms our being into who we want to be.   Service is an expression of love and love, a powerful source of change. 
So why talk about happiness if you want to make your weakness, strengths?  
Happiness is that force that will drive you to believe and push yourself to be better and better. Happiness is a gift available to all that will do more for you than you have ever thought. 
Go home and write down the things you wish to be better at. Then next to those weaknesses find a way to love someone in the process of seeking to do better. For example, if you want to be a better husband, or child, you might consider making dinner for your wife, or cleaning the entire kitchen for your mother. 
In all, we are endowed with the seeds of greatness, so trust in God and go and make your weakness strong as you serve, love and be happy. 
Follow Carlos at CarlosRendonPhotography. Give him a visit and show him some love.  He's going to be a daddy soon!
Visit my Guest Blogger Page to get to know all my blogging friends!

Happy Running!

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