Thursday, February 25, 2016

Guest Blogger: The Grandkids Speak Wisdom

This week’s guest bloggers are ”The Grandkids” and they have some wise words to share. We had a few days together and their sweet spirits and active minds always come up with some awesome phrases. Truth and wisdom truly comes out of the mouths of babes.  Here are just a few of the gems from the past week.

The oldest is the illustrator for my first two children’s books. We spent many hours at work while she was here. She is talented and young enough to be confident in her abilities. She also knows her own mind.

We took her shopping for her birthday. She picked out an outfit in about five minutes. The skirt was the same brand and style as two she already owned. Running her hand across the rack she stated, “I want to collect all of these.” I can relate. I feel the same way about a couple pairs of shoes that I own – one red pair and one black pair. I want a pair in every color!

She is also confident in her artwork. When asked if she could draw a particular item or scene she would think for a moment and then smile and say, “Yes, I can do that.” When asked if she thought the picture needed anything else she would often say, “No, this is good enough.” And it was!

The middle child proved to be my own personal fashion consultant! At four years-old, she appreciates all pretty things. Eyeing and admiring my limited assortment of necklaces, she was pleased when I offered to let her wear one. Still, she continued to comment, “That big jewel necklace is so special.” In other words, “I would so love to wear the big jewel necklace, but I don’t think you will let me.” The big jewel necklace was actually a prism tied to a string hanging alongside my necklaces. Of course I let her play with it. I’m a grandma!

She approved of my red high heels and disapproved when I opted not to wear a necklace. “Why aren’t you going to wear a necklace? What earrings are you going to wear? Why don’t you know!” She’s right, you know. I could put forth a little more effort to accessorize.

The little guy didn’t have much to say – at least not that we could understand. When we stopped to pay attention, we discovered that he was communicating more clearly than we thought. My favorite was when he would point to his oldest sister and say, “Gaggie!” Her name is Maggie.

What did I learn from the Grandkids?

A – Self-doubt is learned behavior.

B – A little effort can produce big results.

C – If we pay attention we may find that others are telling us more than we first thought.

Have a great day and as my grandkids would say, “Believe in your abilities, try a little harder, and pay attention to what others are attempting to communicate.”

Visit my Guest Blogger page to get to know all my blogging friends.

Happy Running!
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