Friday, April 12, 2013

A Run in the Sun

Ah, the beauty of a run in the sun!  The weather has been wreaking havoc on my training as of late.  I am afraid I will have to postpone my next half marathon for a bit. The cold temps and wind, coupled with a gimpy knee have really slowed me down.  Today was warm and sunny and I was determined to go for a run.  I chose to leave my watch and music home and attempt to run in tune with my body – most particularly, my knee.  Rather than attack the run (This is relative.  My “attack” compares to most runners “recovery run.”) I would take it slow and easy and pay attention to twinges so as to stop before they became full blown pains.  As I was preparing to step out the door, my Running Buddy Julie messaged me, offering to run along.  Julie has also been treating some injuries, so she made for a good partner today.
We took it easy, only running (slowly) until the first twinges manifested themselves.  Walking for a bit, we resumed running when the twinges subsided and ran again until they whispered their presence once more.  It wasn’t much of a run, but we covered a good three miles in the sunshine.  We caught up on our visiting as we hadn’t seen each other in a couple weeks.  It felt good to be outside and moving.  It is encouraging to know that the running isn’t over, it has just tapered off for a bit.  I still want to run that half marathon sometime – I really want a do over after the High Desert Half – but for today, I am happy that I can run, that the weather is nice, and that I had a buddy to run with me.  We will see what tomorrow brings.

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