Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sciatica: A real pain for runners

Throwing everything I know at Sciatica

I’ve been experiencing some discomfort for a few weeks. Actually, it started the beginning of July during my half marathon training. It was just an occasional twinge in my left ankle, an indication that my Achilles tendon was on the verge of a flare up and that I should cut back on my mileage. I had a plan to do just that – after the half. The Burley SpudmanTriathlon was two weeks after the Fit For Life Half and I only had to run six miles. The Grand Teton Relay was three weeks after the Burley event and my distances were less than five miles – three times in 24 hours. 
By the time I had completed all of those races and spent many hours on an airplane traveling to New York State and back and helping with the cross country team, my Sciatic nerve was screaming at me in addition to the enlarged and painful Achilles tendon. I don't know which came first, sciatica or tendonitis. I just know they both hurt and impede my running. So, 15 – 16 weeks later I still haven’t taken enough time off and my left leg twinges and screams from hip to toe. 

I have also been less than diligent in my commitment to treatment. Stretching helps, but it needs to be done regularly. So it goes with ibuprofen therapy. Cream such as Blue Emu, doTerra Deep Blue, and Aspercreme offer temporary and sometimes smelly relief. It’s time to get proactive.

It’s time to get serious so here is my plan of attack:

Cross Country is ending, so I’m going to take some time off from running while allowing the above remedies to begin to work. This one may be the most difficult. I’m fighting the urge to push through the pain. Sometimes that truly is the answer. I’m afraid that four months of discomfort is telling me that this time pushing through is not the answer! I will let you know what works. (Massage therapy! The answer was massage therapy!)

Oh, and bananas. I intend to eat them - not to go bananas!

Running Granny Green encourages women, especially grandmothers, to gain greater fitness by providing tips and inspiration to insure long years of joyful grand-parenting. The cookie recipes are a bonus!

Happy Running!
Carol - aka Running Granny Green
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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