Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Recovery Tips for Beginning Runners

Running is going to hurt! It's no secret. That's why you need some good recovery plans. Pain can be the result of a good workout - your body telling you that your efforts were noticed - or it can be the result of an injury. Yes, sometimes runners get injured. There are also times when you need a mental recovery from running.
Identifying the source of your discomfort will help you find the best ways to recover. We will look at ways to use recovery as injury prevention, as well as ways to recover when an injury has occurred. Yes, running is going to hurt, but it's going to be worth it.

How to Recover from Running Fatigue and Soreness

You can expect some discomfort when you begin running. You can also expect some discomfort after you have been running for many months - or years. It's part of the plan. Discomfort, or pain, is not always an emergency alarm indicating you need to stop. Very often, it is a sign that something has changed. You are engaging in a new activity or taking that activity to a new level. You are building muscle and endurance. Although discomfort is normal, there are some things you can do to relieve the nuisance of running pains. Proper cool down after a run or workout, stretching, and even ice and pain relievers can help you stay injury free and logging more miles. An occasional rest day is good for your soul and your soles!

Recover with a Cool Down After a Run

How to Recover from Running Injuries

Injuries can sideline a runner - sometimes for months. Nobody likes to get hurt. Even the most careful runner with great running gear can step in a pothole, over train, or become ill. Following good preventive and recovery practices can help you avoid many injuries. In the event the unthinkable happens there are helps to get you recovered and logging more miles.
Some injuries can be handled with self care, while others may need the assistance of a medical professional. Online resources are available to help you determine when to be patient and when to seek help. Rest is often the best remedy. It's also one of the hardest. Ice packs and athletic tape may become your best running buddies! The good news is that most running injuries can be cured and you can be on your way.

Recover from a Running Injury with RICE

How to Recover from Runners' Mental Fatigue

Runners' Mental Fatigue (I coined this phrase) is different from the voice in your head that says, "I can't believe I have another mile to go!" or "I want to stop - NOW!" Mental Tricks for Beginning Runners suggests ways to deal with those voices. Runners' Mental Fatigue, as I have dubbed it, is the voice that says things like, "I've lost all desire to run. I can't make myself lace up my shoes and step out the door. I haven't run in six weeks and I don't know when I will run again."
When Runners' Mental Fatigue hits, and it may, you can find tools here to help you get over the discouragement, disinterest, or disconnect you are feeling about running. I've said it before, I am a cheerleader at heart and want to encourage you along your fitness path. You can do it!

Whatever your fitness level, you can begin today to improve. If you think you can't run, chances are you are wrong. It may take a little longer (you have to walk before you can run) and it may hurt a little bit (life hurts) but as I like to inscribe my book, The Hard Run: Painful Lessons from a Running Granny, "Life is hard. Keep moving forward!"

Do you have a recovery tip that helps keep you healthy and on the move? Please share it in the comments below.

Happy Running!
- Carol aka Running Granny Green
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

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