Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Spudman 2016 Registration. Time to commit!

I received a message this morning asking if I was ready to make a commitment.  It’s time to register for the Spudman 2016 Triathlon and my triathlon buddy wanted to know if I was up for the challenge. We are a team. When we commit, we commit for the team. I did a quick calendar review, a brief head to toe assessment and an internal evaluation before saying, “Yes, let’s do the Spudman!” Let me explain.

Calendar Review –

I know of no babies, blessings or burials scheduled for late July. I’ve reached the point in my life where those are the happenings around which I must work my schedule. Everything else is flexible or not so very important. My calendar is clear.

Head to Toe –

I was committed to Spudman 2015, as were my teammates. However, I was nagged with an injury most of the spring and summer that spoiled my training efforts.  In the end, I was unprepared and unable to participate. The other team members were in much the same predicament.

My head to toe assessment indicated that I am currently healthy, my injury (calf tear) of 2015 has healed and I am more educated as to how to prevent a recurrence. (Read this article about running shoe designs) I began a half marathon training program on January 4 and things are going well – thus far.  The physical assessment is positive.

Internal Evaluation –

In other words, is my head in the game? Often the mental commitment required to participate in an endurance test such as the Spudman Triathlon, a half marathon, or the Grand Teton Relay is greater than the physical commitment. This is what I have learned – My body can handle the physical strains if I prepare, and sometimes even if I don’t fully prepare. The preparation, however, first requires a mental commitment.  Am I willing to devote the time necessary to prepare? Do I have a desire to endure the discomfort associated with the preparation? When an obstacle such as an injury or calendar change occurs, do I have the determination to work around it to achieve my goal? My head is currently in the game.

So, yes, we are doing Spudman 2016. We are committed and we have time to prepare. Call me a crazy old lady, but it’s one of the highlights of my year. 

Read about our previous Spudman races.
Spudman 2012
Happy Running!
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

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